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Bees Knees moored near a towpath |
It was May and a glorious spring time when we untied the lines and backed slowly and carefully off the narrow, slightly rickety wooden dock at Jachthaven Roggebotsluis on Drontermeer near Kampen in the Netherlands.
The boat had been thoroughly sand blasted and sported a nice new coat of paint so now looked very smart.
We have extra blue paint for the hull and white paint for the superstructure stowed away below stairs
for the paint jobs we plan to do
when we are down south. There is a huge cavern under the wheelhouse which will be very useful for
storing all that 'stuff' we don’t use all the time. (At the time of review that 'cavern' is getting smaller and smaller - merely a crawl space now) We managed to get rid of a lot of bric-a-brac from the
previous owners and created a bit of space for our possessions.
We also gave the boat a new name -
Tureluur seemed difficult to us - it means I believe, redshank - a
wading bird. Well - to us this iron monster doesn't feel much like a
bird. What we failed to realize however, was that no one apart from those of English background, has any idea what Bees Knees might
signify. I mean - what is there so special about the knees of a bee?
The boat had been thoroughly sand blasted and sported a nice new coat of paint so now looked very smart.

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Glorious swans flying in |
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Tulips on flower stall |
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Cheese and more cheese |
In the evenings the geese would parade out into the shallow waters, two or three families together, each with an adult at the front and rear of a well ordered line of chicks.
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Amsterdam canal |
There are several marinas in Kampen and some very beautiful old wooden ships now converted for charter or cruise ships. The most common type (and to my mind the most attractive) are the Tjalk sailing barges – previously used to carry bulk cargo around Scandinavia and across the North Sea, but now widely used for recreation in these northern waters, many converted for liveaboards; I believe some are still raced competitively.
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Bike and buggy transport |
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Day sailing |
We soon realised that everyone in Amsterdam must own at least one bicycle - the streets are clogged with every size and shape of pedal transport, and I'm sure everyone must own more than one bicycle. I read that there are 600,000 bikes in Amsterdam alone; they stack up by the bus stops and there are special two tier storage sheds at railway stations that always seem to be overflowing; bicycles even have right of way on the roads and roundabouts - ignoring everything else including pedestrians! The streets and bridges over the many canals are very narrow, and parking for cars, at a premium in any city, also costs a great deal here. We saw even the smallest children pedaling alongside a parent on busy roads.
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Popular pub |
We planned
a quiet departure, which I am sure went unnoticed by other residents. The river
was calm, the early morning bright and clear and the first stage of our new
adventure looked promising. We made a careful turn to port outside the shallow marked marina channel and
chugged along the well-buoyed river route, keeping watch for the large commercial
barges that work the route.
Unexpectedly there was a sudden change in the rhythm
of the engine noise.
Mike hastily steered closer to the shallow riverbank side of the channel, and slowed the barge. Nick and I hastily dumped the cumbersome and very heavy fisherman's anchor over the front, winding out a length of chain and wire with the ancient hand crank windlass. Then we scrambled to find the secondary anchor - (a new fortress, still packed neatly in it's box,) which we tossed over the back, hoping it would keep us out of the traffic lanes.
Once safe nearer the edge Mike pulled up the
large and unwieldy metal lid covering the engine (under the back deck area,) and a
horrifying, heart stopping, impenetrable cloud of black smoke billowed out, over
and around the boat.
The pipe where the cooling water entered the exhaust had broken down - rotten through.
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Mike hastily steered closer to the shallow riverbank side of the channel, and slowed the barge. Nick and I hastily dumped the cumbersome and very heavy fisherman's anchor over the front, winding out a length of chain and wire with the ancient hand crank windlass. Then we scrambled to find the secondary anchor - (a new fortress, still packed neatly in it's box,) which we tossed over the back, hoping it would keep us out of the traffic lanes.
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Tea house |
The pipe where the cooling water entered the exhaust had broken down - rotten through.
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Tied up in Weesp |
Mike was fortunate to be able to arrange an excellent replacement with the helpful marina mechanic and we were very happy to have this newly fabricated elbow installed the next morning - we were on the road again by 10 am – slightly traumatized but ready to face any new challenges.
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Market stall |
Eventually we found an appealing little horseshoe shaped island called De Schelp Island, part of a National Park, where we could turn inside the little bay formed by the land on either side and tie up to conveniently spaced bollards. This was our first night on the water.
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Wine by the barrel |
We tied up in Weesp, but discovered that we had to use the dingy to cover the two meters to shore in order to go into the small town.
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Sunny afternoon - tea anyone? |
We stopped alongside the towpath in Leonen and explored the village before finding a cool pub. As this was one of the first deliciously warm and sunny weekends of the year - we were also treated to the company of hundreds of other boating enthusiasts – small runabouts of all shapes, sizes and ages.
Waiting for the small lift bridges to open was sometimes tricky for us as there were so many other boats around; we had to maintain a stationary position to keep our place in the line of vessels waiting to pass through; avoiding backing or bumping into anyone else proved to be quite a challenge with over 16 meters to manage and a back end that doesn’t respond quickly! It appeared that almost every little lift bridge has its own operator, and each one liked to hang out a wooden clog on a piece of string, hoping (or expecting) that any passing boat would contribute a few Euro.
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Commercial barge in a hurry |
These commercial craft may be just one fast moving vessel or two or three barges linked together and pushed by a tug to make a leviathan craft. Often crewed by families they frequently carry at least one car on the deck. We've seen playpens and bicycles, small boats and even a second car on some of the large commercial vessels.
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Lift your car ashore here |
There are many stopping points on the canals where a car can be lifted onto dry land with their own special boat cranes.
Mike had heard that Sundays on the canal were less hectic, so we duly made another early start and motored 10 km along the Amsterdam Rhine canal to the Merwedekanaal with absolutely no problems and then enjoyed the relatively calm backwaters.
Nick left
us in Gorinchem towards the end of the Merwedekanaal in the southern part of
Holland and flew back to Canada (via Iceland again). Before he left he very generously
treated us a to very attractive teak table and matching chairs – just right for
relaxing with sundowners on the back porch!
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Tourism office Den Bosch |
We carried on along the Meuse before turning into the small inlet canal at at 'S Hertogenbosch on Zud Willemsvaart, where we had arranged to meet our cruiser friends Gertrude and Nick from Tartufo, and had a couple of days enjoying the fortified town.

The locks had become smaller; frequently we have spent days and night on our own, sometimes ‘wild mooring’, pounding our long metal stakes into the grassy riverbank and mooring for a night, or fastening onto handy bollards set on a convenient wall in a small village community
Outside the town of Dinant stands "Bayard rock", a large cleft rock formation Bayard Rock was a natural barrier against invaders,
but somebody cut a road through it so
the local people could get past.
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Fantastic Frites at Fumay |
It turned out that there was nothing to worry about as they were only conducting an inspection of safety gear. Luckily we had the required amount of fire extinguishers and life jackets and so forth. Mike was worried they would ask for his radio license - he has one of course - but where is it? Somewhere in Canada probably.
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Other vessels in the lock with us |
Our next challenge was those massive locks on the Meuse – not an entirely happy experience for us. We found the process to be quite an ordeal, especially when, to our consternation, we found that we often had to lock in with up to 12 others; at one lock there were two big barges rafted together and 10 sport boats besides us! Somebody rafted to us (it is no surprise that the expensive ‘sport’ boats - fiberglass - with their fancy and no doubt expensive paint jobs – don’t offer for us to raft to them!) We also discovered that many of these northern boaters have no manners – it is each man for himself and an elbows-out race to get the best available wall space in the lock.
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Market day in Liege |
Liege was
busy on the Saturday we passed by – local market stalls stretched along the
riverside street for about 5 kilometers – the gaily coloured awnings and tents
beckoned enticingly, but, knowing there would be many, many other markets in
the future, we continued on our way.
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Mooring on the wall in Namur |
But when we left, when we were waiting for the gates to open in the small lock, still in sight of the small town, Mike noticed that the cooling water from the engine had stopped gushing out at the back of the boat.
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Small lift bridge in Holland |
Even better, we were soon
tied up a big black monster barge – the owners Laurence and Fred welcoming us
and offering their amazing help with repairs! Laurence and Fred turned out to be the best. Fred
knew all there was to know about boats, and Laurence spoke excellent
English. How lucky could we get?
Even luckier it seemed – they made numerous phone calls to find a new impeller impeller for us, as well as fitting it - quite a task in the confines of the engine area. They took us shopping in their car and even invited us to join them and their friends for an impromptu sardine barbeque on the barge pontoon!
This was our very first sampling of the barge community spirit – something we missed when we quit the cruising circuit. What a cheering experience!
Even luckier it seemed – they made numerous phone calls to find a new impeller impeller for us, as well as fitting it - quite a task in the confines of the engine area. They took us shopping in their car and even invited us to join them and their friends for an impromptu sardine barbeque on the barge pontoon!
This was our very first sampling of the barge community spirit – something we missed when we quit the cruising circuit. What a cheering experience!
From Givet, the river is canalized over a distance of 272 kilometers. The canalized Meuse used to be called the "Canal de l'Est — Branche Nord" but was recently re-baptized into "Canal de la Meuse". The waterway is used by the smallest barges that are still in use commercially (almost 40 meters long and just over 5 meters wide).
At Givet in the Ardennes on the Border between Belgium and France we purchased our French Vignette – a whole 400 Euro - which allowed us to cruise through France for the season (April through October). It seemed expensive but generally speaking the locks are in great shape and we had superb lockkeepers – all very patient and pleasant. There is another great fortress here.

We enjoyed a great meal from a chippy van at Fumey, where a lot of cheery cyclists whom we had seen earlier in the day on the canal paths also turned up to enjoy the beautiful sunshine. Fumay is sometimes known as "The City of Slate" due to the slate mining which brought prosperity to the town in the nineteenth century.
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magnificent Ducal square |
We admired the beautiful ducal square where the restaurants had conveniently set out tables and umbrellas. We also managed to buy a SFR dongle for wifi here, because we were having difficulty finding Internet access – and we all know that we can no longer exist without the Internet! Unfortunately the wifi is extraordinarily slow in France – very frustrating and bothersome.
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Cavalier statue |
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Reims Cathdral |
Leaving the
Meuse we entered the Canal des Ardennes for 38 km. This was very narrow and
there was a chain of locks going down - we negotiated 27 locks in one day! So
we were happy to leave it and enter the Canal de l’Aisne a la Marne, which took
us further towards the City of Reims.
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After a couple of dull and drizzly days when we shopped by bus, first for a bed sofa at IKEA (only to find it would never get through our narrow wheelhouse doorway); then to admire the truly beautiful and ancient Cathedral where over the centuries numerous Kings of France have been crowned; finally to buy and sample some delicious local champagne. We were in the very heart of champagne country after all!
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Some of the lock walls show signs of age |
We proceeded to treat our visitors to an unparalleled day of canal
cruising – the wettest, coldest day imaginable, with several upward (and
therefore more strenuous) locks to negotiate. The weather did eventually improve, but
those first hours were probably the most miserable of our entire trip south.
Debbie and Brian certainly earned their stripes on that stretch, bounding up ladders, hauling ropes and managing all the galley work – and we vote that they can come back anytime. (They probably won’t risk it!) They left at an ungodly hour at Challons sur Marne one morning to catch their train to Paris and we continued past Conde sur Marne to Joinville along the Champage and Bologne canal. Here we joined the Canal Lateral a la Marne taking us to Vitry-le Francois, where there is another junction between the Canal du la Marne au Rhin and the Canal de la Marne a la Saone.
Debbie and Brian certainly earned their stripes on that stretch, bounding up ladders, hauling ropes and managing all the galley work – and we vote that they can come back anytime. (They probably won’t risk it!) They left at an ungodly hour at Challons sur Marne one morning to catch their train to Paris and we continued past Conde sur Marne to Joinville along the Champage and Bologne canal. Here we joined the Canal Lateral a la Marne taking us to Vitry-le Francois, where there is another junction between the Canal du la Marne au Rhin and the Canal de la Marne a la Saone.
The next
224 km on the Canal de la Marne a la Saone led us up in a succession of locks
to Langres where there was a fortified town on the hilltop (possibly founded in
the second century)
We had - amazingly - free electricity and free water at the
dock, but only paused overnight before making our way onwards to the summit
where there was a long, damp and shadowy tunnel.
The Tunnel de Balesmas is 4820 meters long at about 340 meters above sea level. The canal rises (or falls) 239m through 71 locks between Vitry and Langres. This is also the highest point in the watershed between the Mediterranean and the English Channel. Boats can only travel one way at a time, and it can be a long wait for somebody coming the other way.
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Entry to the tunnel de Balesmas |
The Tunnel de Balesmas is 4820 meters long at about 340 meters above sea level. The canal rises (or falls) 239m through 71 locks between Vitry and Langres. This is also the highest point in the watershed between the Mediterranean and the English Channel. Boats can only travel one way at a time, and it can be a long wait for somebody coming the other way.
There was a
moment or two of confusion when we arrived at the entrance and discovered there were no signal light to
tell us if the way was open for us; we were accustomed to lock lights which
indicated red for stop and wait and green for go ahead. Another boat (French)
joined us but they hadn’t a clue either! Just as we were about to set off down
the very narrow entrance way to the tunnel we noticed a big light shining at us – so
wisely, it transpired - decided to wait until the oncoming boat went by.
Soon we were off down the other side of
the hills – 43 lovely locks where it was so easy to go down, downward to the
river and Heuilley sur Saone.
Most of these particular locks are not automated; previously we had been equipped with transponders for the previous smaller locks. Just press a button on the gadget when you approached and hey presto! The lock lights said stop or go! In this section f the canals we had lock keepers to accompany us, often zipping between each lock on small scooters. These lock-keepers were mostly students (what a great holiday job) and we enjoyed talking to them while we waited for the locks to fill.
Going up in the ecluses can present some difficulty; Mike had to learn how to place the front of the barge just at the ladder so that I could climb up to manage the ropes. The ladders are often very slippery and slimy and can present quite a challenge. On other locks there is a long rod that one has to get alongside in order to push it up and activate the locks system. By chance the temperature had risen into the mid 20’s, and the sun was shining!Next thing you know it will be sunstroke!
Most of these particular locks are not automated; previously we had been equipped with transponders for the previous smaller locks. Just press a button on the gadget when you approached and hey presto! The lock lights said stop or go! In this section f the canals we had lock keepers to accompany us, often zipping between each lock on small scooters. These lock-keepers were mostly students (what a great holiday job) and we enjoyed talking to them while we waited for the locks to fill.
Going up in the ecluses can present some difficulty; Mike had to learn how to place the front of the barge just at the ladder so that I could climb up to manage the ropes. The ladders are often very slippery and slimy and can present quite a challenge. On other locks there is a long rod that one has to get alongside in order to push it up and activate the locks system. By chance the temperature had risen into the mid 20’s, and the sun was shining!Next thing you know it will be sunstroke!
Auxonne is a small town with an interesting history - it was here that Napoleon first
learned his profession at the military academy in the 18th century. We
tied to the town steps for the night and walked around the fortified walls of
the old buildings. There is also a good marina here – a place where one can winter
over, although I could imagine it gets quite chilly as it is still quite far
north where the water freezes. The river is canalized and very narrow for quite a distance after Auxonne so we were lucky not to encounter any traffic coming towards us.
St Jean-
de-Losne on the Saone is said to be the barge capital of France. There is a
hire boat base; two reasonably well stocked ship chandleries and two
large marinas. Once again we tied to the town
steps (only yards away from a convenient restaurant and even more useful – a
good launderette) When we explored we saw innumerable barges of all shapes and
sizes and in various conditions in the marinas.
day found us at a small yacht club at St-Germain-au-mont-d’or on the river where terre was a pontoon conveniently placed so that we could just motor up and tie up. We were invited to join in the celebrations; a few local boats,
mainly very small yachts, were going to the nearby town for festivities and fireworks, but we declined
the friendly offer. We saw them go but didn’t hear them return – maybe they are
still partying! But we did join in for aperitif at the clubhouse earlier in the
evening. Very nice!
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Lyon |
Lyon was our next port of call - and we were lucky to be able to go into the small town marina - a new construction. We had to phone ahead – luckily the young port captain spoke excellent English – and had the barrier opened so we could get into the enclosure.
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Marina in Lyon |
What was very interesting however, was the fact that all the buildings were clad in different coverings – stainless steel, copper, wood, ceramic tiles, pressed concrete – an impressive variety on buildings that were also designed slightly differently. In the middle of one section I found a little park area that had raised garden boxes where the residents planted their own vegetables or flowers. It was all very new and we didn’t see a great many people (probably all at work), but at least the design of the area made it an attractive place to live.
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Traboules abound in these houses |
Lyon was first a Roman colony ( taken over from a Gaul hill fort settlement,) Much later during the French revolution the city was under seige for 2 months before giving in to the Revolutionaries, and 2,000 people were subsequently executed.
To the west is Fourvière, known as "the hill that prays". This is the location for the highly decorated Basilica of Notre Dame de Fourviere, the palace of the Archbishop, the Tour metallique (a highly visible TV tower, replicating the last stage of the Eiffel Tower) and a funicular railway on a steep hill.
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Barge garden |

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Disaster - off the main channel |
Once again
we shook off the mooring lines and made for Vallence on the Rhone River. We wanted to be there in good time because Sara was coming to visit with my granddaughters Caitlyn and Breanne. by amazing co-incidence we met a yacht we had seen in Australia - they told us the current at some of the locks made them slow down to one knot or so
The current in the river was fair – no faster than anticipated, although we had to be careful when we eventually turned across the mainstream to go into the marina. We did see other boats slipping sideways in the relatively strong current, only just managing to stay within the marked entrance channel.
The current in the river was fair – no faster than anticipated, although we had to be careful when we eventually turned across the mainstream to go into the marina. We did see other boats slipping sideways in the relatively strong current, only just managing to stay within the marked entrance channel.
After Sara's visit, we tuned into the weather, and to a website that tells how much water is going downriver. We wanted to be sure that the Mistral wasn't blowing - the wind that travels from the north increasing in strength and making travel for barges like us increasingly difficult and even dangerous.
We stopped overnight at the City of Popes - Avignon – and saw the famed Pont – now only half of the original bridge. The arched Pont St Benezet was once extremely long, reaching from Avignon to the Tour Philippe le Bel over a kilometer away at Villeneuve.
The song is
about dancing on the ‘island’ across the river from Avignon,
under (sous) the bridge not on (sur) ‘le pont’.
The Pope left Rome in the early 1300's and went to Avignon, where he built the amazing palace and walled town, now a maze of streets behind massive defensive walls and an annoying traffic and parking problem.
The Rhone is one of Europe’s greatest rivers: in size, in power and in the commercial traffic it carries. Conditions can be difficult at times (for example when the Mistral blows) and impossible at others (during the winter-spring spate, when alpine melt-water feeds into the river) and there have been times when even commercial traffic is stopped.
There are few places for a vessel of our size to stop along the river and if the wind is blowing any riverside mooring can become unpleasant. We were advised to wait for any Mistral to blow itself out; this could take 3 or more days. A southerly wind (not unheard of) will also kick up the river surface, wind against current, making headway uncomfortable to say the least.
If there is a lot of current in the river, that too can make a small barge's journey difficult, as keeping control with the current going with a flat bottom boat is just plain impossible.
The effect of the current flow is affected by the width of the river or canalised section. The current is strongest in the centre of the river channel, lowest at the edges due to friction effects, but the narrow canalised sections can also be swift flowing. The river’s power is used at each lock/barrage to produce hydro-electricity and the river is the location for a number of power stations and wind farms.
We stopped overnight at the City of Popes - Avignon – and saw the famed Pont – now only half of the original bridge. The arched Pont St Benezet was once extremely long, reaching from Avignon to the Tour Philippe le Bel over a kilometer away at Villeneuve.

The Pope left Rome in the early 1300's and went to Avignon, where he built the amazing palace and walled town, now a maze of streets behind massive defensive walls and an annoying traffic and parking problem.
The Rhone is one of Europe’s greatest rivers: in size, in power and in the commercial traffic it carries. Conditions can be difficult at times (for example when the Mistral blows) and impossible at others (during the winter-spring spate, when alpine melt-water feeds into the river) and there have been times when even commercial traffic is stopped.
There are few places for a vessel of our size to stop along the river and if the wind is blowing any riverside mooring can become unpleasant. We were advised to wait for any Mistral to blow itself out; this could take 3 or more days. A southerly wind (not unheard of) will also kick up the river surface, wind against current, making headway uncomfortable to say the least.

The effect of the current flow is affected by the width of the river or canalised section. The current is strongest in the centre of the river channel, lowest at the edges due to friction effects, but the narrow canalised sections can also be swift flowing. The river’s power is used at each lock/barrage to produce hydro-electricity and the river is the location for a number of power stations and wind farms.
VHF #20 – 23m rise/fall.
Our passage downriver was relatively uneventful. we managed to find somewhere to stop each night, sometimes at the lock gates. We passed miles and miles of vineyards, carefully tended and neat. Somebody told me once that it takes one vine to make a bottle of wine - there must be a great deal of wine out there!
The locks here are massive, as usual, precedence is given to commercial shipping, but we were rarely held up, and often found ourselves locking by ourselves. The Bollene is the deepest in Europe at 23 m. although the other locks vary at 10, 12, 14, 16 meters. Each lock is equipped with bollards that are set into the walls and move up or down with the water, so it was comparatively simple for us to approach a bollard, for me to get the front rope on and for Mike to motor up a little in order to get the aft rope onto the same bollard. We were often on our own in the locks but there was always more than enough room for any other craft going the same way.
More to come soon) in the next blog page
More to come soon) in the next blog page
Exited the river at Beaucaire down the Petite Rhone stopped at St Gillies not far from the ecluse
Hi there. Lovin' your blog...I had a boat down on the Midi/Garonne for a couple of years. Often find myself back there in my daydreams. Keep it up. Jeff